Victorias Promise Hike

With the overwhelming success of the first Victorias Promise Charity Hike. I was compelled to organize another hiking event!

 With the help of Twitter and the Algorand Family, it was voted that I would be hiking Mount Elbert! I’m thrilled because I have never hiked this mountain! Mt. Elbert is the highest point in Colorado. Boasts epic 360 views perfect for the fall leaves to be falling. That was the overall theme of “Fall Follow-Up Hike”. The date is set for October 9th & 10th, and I've got all my gear ready! I've got the butterflies for sure! I’ve been getting my arrangements in order for sleeping etc. 

Heading into this week I have been diligently checking the weather. For hiking a 14er you have to be aware of the weather. Lightning is a much greater threat at this height, as well as high winds, can knock you off the mountain or hurt you without notice. Rain becomes more annoying and troublesome because it freezes creating black ice on the rocks, and then the snow, it’s a huge pain in every way ha-ha!
This week has not been looking good for hiking a 14er. Reports of snow and ice on all the surrounding ski mountains, as well as lower foothills at 10k ft. Leadville the town that's closest to Mt. Elbert has a 40% chance of rain all weekend. Right up until Tuesday, October 11th. 

The weather has me concerned, plus everyone that I have approached about joining me for this hike responds… “What!?! Are you crazy?”...

 For the record the last three years it has been seasonally warm. Hiking up until November was still enjoyable… and not crazy.  

This leads me to my next point of difficulty, I don't have a hiking partner. I usually hike solo, so it wouldn't usually affect things but there is always someone on the trail that day. If most people think it's dangerous to go up then there won't be anyone out on the trail. 

It leads me to disappointing crossroads, to give it my all, I mean full send, and not be able to complete the route because of the weather. Or worse. The alternative is changing the date and the hike then proceeding to cross all my fingers, toes, arms, hands, and fumbs so that it doesn't rain the whole time and we can get a fall view for the crew! 

I truly loathe failing, just as much as changing such a fabulous event to bring us all together.

But I really don’t want to get hurt, as much as I can’t get hurt. I’m going to have to make the difficult call to change the hike for Victoria's Promise due to the weather. 

I will still complete a hike, I'm between two spots on the front range mountains of Colorado, all depending on the weather. I’m sorry to disappoint anyone with my decision! But I will make it up to you! 

I will still complete an honorary hike this Monday or Tuesday, October 10th, or 11th. The weather is pointing to Tuesday.

As far as my hiking adventures, they will be on hold for a few months after this hike, because winter is here. Once there is a good layer of snow, and clear days I’ll be returning to the mountains for some snowshoe adventures! Then we can return to Mt. Evens or even Longs Peak for a snow adventure! 




Terpaholic Fall Update


Fall Updates