March Terpaholic Announcements.

With the overwhelming success of the BananaMints Official BananaPrints series selling out the creator, ApeShi brought me on to continue to collaborate on his next upcoming series nanaBirds. Being a 3D generative art project, I wholeheartedly encourage you to check out the link above for all the information.

I have also finished two of the Far out Fruit series with Johnny Sandler. Release dates TBA.

So where does that leave the Terpaholic series? There are 16 1/1 currently available. You can pick them from the Terp Shop with matching 1/1 merchandise. You can also pick your Terps exclusively at Rand Gallery, you must have your Algo wallet linked with the gallery. Be prepared you’ll need your 25 word phrases ready, you’ll only need to do it once. Going through rand gallery and using Algo will save you money as well as add a valuable resource to your tool belt. Rand Gallery has many artists work provides an excellent platform for a fun interface for purchasing, resale, and hosting. Check it out!

As far as minting new Terpaholic NFT’s I have the new models picked out, the outlines produced, and fruit is photographed. Learning what I did about the process of minting with the BananaPrint series I have found a faster more efficient method of minting for the Terpaholic series. With that being said 16 remain in the Terp Shop, this has allowed me to focus on branding and building a community. I want to give the owners of Terpaholic NFT more than a PNG. Now owning any Terpaholic NFT will give you access to merchandise options that I will design for free. Example; you purchase a NFT on Rand Gallery or the Terp Shop and you want to make a business card, logo, hat, jacket, backpack, if you have access to the material, I will design one (1) free item for you. You own the art 100% you can use it in any manner you wish. Also Im currently building a Members Only section for the Terpaholic Collective. It will be designed to bring fellow Terpaholics together to share Terpene inspire food, drink, and sweets. Or something that you find interesting about Terps. It will be a resource of inspiration for your taste buds and your mindset curated by Frosty. Monthly Terp recipes for a meal, drinks, and desert.

The future I have a plan of bringing music to your ears as well. I need to figure the logistics of uploading, and how to provide a download for free! I have a vast vinyl collection and have been collaborating with DJ ClockWorkOJ on vinyl exclusive music mixes for some time. I think this would be an excellent method to share with you exclusive content. I feel creating a collective of individuals who love or want to develop their joy for Terps, a good meal, something refreshing to drink, a sweet treat and some groovy tunes is a start of an exciting collective!

How do we get there?

With 16 Terpaholic NFT left I want to focus on finding those Terps homes. When those Terpaholic NFTs find homes I will resume minting the series, and designing 1/1 merchandise to go along with various Terpaholic NFTs. While thats my focus, I will continue to be building the Members Only section with a goal of launching by the end of March. I will also design some basic Terpaholic merchandise for everyone any anyone to own, and I’m resuming creating FrostyFruits in Surreal Life. Here are a few sneak peeks!


Terpaholic Members


2022 Collaborations