April Updates

April has been very busy so far! I had no technical issues on April 1 & 2 Live Stream events, clear, and crisp. Thank the music, because I had my hands full of live requests. It was truly enjoyable to connect with you all through music! We doubled the viewership in April 8th live stream compared to the first two Live Streams. Elated is the right word, and that’s me. I thank you all who joined and supported the Collective. It was a joy to play live music for everyone. I look forward to the April 21st Live Stream event and I have some special music to play for the event! I have been updating the Terp-Tunes playlist on discord frequently. So if you are curious brows the music and make a request! You will have to do so through Discord Invite

Next, a big update is with the Terpaholic NFT Models. I’m proud to announce that I have begun to draw all remaining models. That’s right, all the Models from February to August! My idea is that I’ll concentrate my efforts on minting (creating) all remaining models now. My plan is to complete the 420 Models and release the Terpaholic NFTs in a scheduled drop manner. Approximately 350 remain. This will allow me to concentrate on creating media, content, and marketing for the Terpahoic NFT for each month when that month begins. Versus minting the NFT, creating media, content, marketing, etc. all at the same time. While juggling a 9-5 this can pose integrity treats. I feel it will be in the best interests of the collection to streamline the process. Currently, all Models have been selected. February, March, and April have been drawn. All Fruit is photographed.


May The Terps Be With You


April Live Stream Schedule